is Rally Central! Come Discover Why!
the RV Friendly State, has the best offering of rally locations in the country. Beautiful resorts and campgrounds
are popular sites of RV Rallies…OR sometimes fairgrounds…sometimes casinos…you just
never know where a rally might be held, but one thing’s certain, you will have
FUN at a rally in Oregon! Whether it’s meeting with a couple hundred RVers at
the Linn County Fair & Expo Center in the south Willamette Valley, or
enjoying full hookups at the Mill Casino Hotel & RV Park on the coast, or
attending a huge FMCA or Good Sam event in Redmond with 2,000 other RVers, the
message is getting out: Oregon is Rally Central!
Do you love making new friends and renewing friendships made during
your travels? Enjoy exploring
the sights, sounds, and flavors of new destinations in the company of like
minded recreation enthusiasts? Come to Oregon to explore the beauty of forests,
rivers, ocean and sand, verdant valleys and high desert vistas! Wind down
Oregon backroads on a winery tour, rediscover Oregon’s historic covered
bridges, take an Oregon country tour, hike to waterfalls, play on the beach,
visit lava beds, and discover this state’s natural wonders. There is no better place to meet
new friends, enjoy the unspoiled natural wonders, and roadside attractions,
wineries, eateries, and RV-related businesses found only in Oregon than at a
Oregon is also an RV mecca of highly
qualified service specialists, dealers, and RV related suppliers. It is the
place to get your RV renovations, service and maintenance handled. It’s also
the place to come when it’s time to shop for a new coach. Or get new tires,
batteries or perhaps a whole new exterior paint job. What you may not realize
is that you can arrange for most of these services when attending one of the
many RV rallies and shows held annually across the state. I’ve polled thousands
of motorcoachers through rally surveys
over a couple decades and here’s why they say they attend rallies:
• Spend time with friends met parked next to me at rallies
• Attend informative seminars re my motorhome
• To take classes on everything from fly-tying to beading and Swedish
• Get RV repairs done at a special rally discount
• Shop for a new RV
• Partake of great evening entertainment and meals
• To shop the vendor exhibitors’ area
RVers note they especially enjoy learning more about their coach, its systems
and components and its care and maintenance.
Whatever your reasons may be for
attending a rally, you are bound to have a wonderful tine. Let me use as an example the Annual Oregon
CCFI Friendship Rally always held near
where all Country Coach motorhomes were originally built in Junction City. This
year it is being held in North Bend, OR August 22-27th at the Mill
Casino RV Park. For me, that
first day of arrival at rally site is the best! You spot rigs you recognize
pulling in; you greet old friends; you help first-timers get parked and
oriented. Many had gotten there ahead of the rally start date to have a few
days to get settled before the rally started. The excitement builds. It’s getting better and better! From that
first welcome to the last goodbye at rally end, it is go, go, go! Technical RV seminars,
lifestyle classes, roundtable discussions, livability sessions, exercise and
optional offsite activities, sightseeing, exploring the area, and crafts and
cooking classes are usually intermingled in a robust rally schedule. Some
rallies offer a tour of homes where certain rally attendees open their homes on
wheels so people can walk through to get ideas and to see how other people live
on the road! Social hours, great meals and evening entertainments are also
staples of a busy rally.

Like your RV
adventures, you’ll want to travel through a rally at your own pace. Immerse
yourself in as much of the busy rally schedule as you wish, knowing that you
can come back next year to the annual Friendship Rally in Oregon and try some
of the things you missed this year!
Sign up for the
CCFI Annual Friendship Rally at www.CountryCoachFriendsIncorporated.com. Learn more about Oregon, the RV friendly state at www.Come2Oregon.com
I am already nearing 25 years in the highline
motorcoach industry. From 1992 to 2009 I was with Country Coach, where I was Senior
Manager of Marketing and supervised the Rally Team, the Owners Club office, and
production of the award winning “Country Coach Destinations” magazine when the
company closed in 2009. These days I assist Premier RV Services (Junction City, OR) while promoting
CCFI--the friendliest club I've ever known-- in many different ways as my time allows.
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