Thursday, February 12, 2015

Seams, Seals and Sealants, Part 2 maintentance of motorhome seams and seals

Seams, Seals, and Sealants, PART 2
by Brian Keys, former Country Coach, LLC technical resources specialist as written several years ago

Let’s take a look at the types of caulk or sealant used on your motorhome and how to apply them.

If you have never used a caulking gun to apply a bead of caulk and you do not wish to learn through trial and error then you may want to leave this task to a service professional. Though deceptively easy when watching the process is almost an art form requiring a blend of finesse and experience. The properties that make caulking compounds effective at sealing your coach (their tackiness and defiance to solvents) can also make them difficult to apply without making a mess of your coach and your clothing. A steady hand and a roll or two of paper towels are pre-requisites.

Choose your caulk. The colors of caulk used on the exterior of your coach are usually limited to black, white, aluminum, or clear. The choice of curing agent is often overlooked and only becomes critical when applying caulk to surfaces that are chemically sensitive. A good example is coated or mirrored glass which often requires a “neutral cure” caulk to avoid discoloration to the coating. A neutral curing agent is also preferred for interior applications to avoid “fish and chips” odor from the acetic acid used in many silicones. These two decisions aside, the last choice you need to make is the most important: the base.

The common bases (in increasing order of effectiveness) are Latex, Acrylic, Silicone, and Polyurethane. Latex is an inexpensive caulk that is easy to apply and is water washable. It is easy to clean up, dries quickly and can be painted which makes it popular for home construction projects. It is not particularly durable so you will not find it on your coach. At the opposite end of the scale, Polyurethane based caulks are the most difficult to apply and are very difficult to clean up. Citrus based caulks are the most difficult to apply and are very difficult to clean up. Citrus based solvents work best if they get on your hands, but some will stain your skin for weeks until they wear off. They are among the most durable of all caulks and will cling tenaciously to just about any surface applied to. You’ll find Polyurethane caulks on the seams of your slide rooms and around the perimeter of your one piece bonded windshield.

Silicone based caulks are almost as durable as polyurethane and are relatively easy to apply though clean up remains a chore. These caulks are very resistant to most solvents. However, they will give in eventually to mineral spirits or adhesive remover. Warm soapy water should be avoided until all traces of silicone have been cleaned up-a lesson many of us learned the hard way. The caulk’s high durability, flexibility and resistance to solvents make it an excellent choice for interior seams in galley and bathroom areas. It is also used ion the coach exterior where a visually appealing narrow bead is required such as along the belt moldings and around the perimeter of framed windows. Silicone’s main downside is that it cannot be painted. However, clear silicone can be applied over painted finishes as this is the case with your  coach exterior. There are many hybrid bases such as Acrylic/latex and Siliconized Acrylic-Latex. However, these are typically aimed at home construction and are not used on your coach.

Choose your caulk gun from many varieties ranging from the cheapest that pinches your fingers and won’t release when you want it to, to expensive air or battery powered versions for those who use their tools regularly for construction work. If you need an inexpensive but function caulk gun, choose one that is easy to operate requiring the least hand pressure. A button found on the plunger of a midline caulk gun will quickly release pressure from the plunger ensuring caulk stops flowing immediately at end of your bead.

Preparation, Application and Tooling.

Preparation – When caulking a joint between two surfaces that have not been sealed before then preparation in this case is simply ensuring both surfaces are clean and dry. Wipe them with clean towels and denatured alcohol to remove any traces of oily residue. It is critical to use denatured alcohol for the final preparation as alternative solvents will often leave contaminants on the surface being sealed. Any loose or flaking paint work will have to be removed or repaired prior to caulking. When replacing aged or weathered caulk, remember new caulk doesn’t stick to old, so you will have to remove it first and that removal process requires a suitable solvent together with a lot of elbow grease. The trick is to remove as much caulk as possible first with a careful use of a razor blade or other sharp implement, then remove the remainder of the caulk using a slightly blunt plastic scraper while liberally dousing it with the solvent. Adhesive remover and mineral spirits will work for silicone based caulks and to a certain extent, polyurethane based caulks too. Citrus based solvents are more effective for polyurethane caulks, however, they must be sued with caution as they are pretty effective at removing paint also. In either case, ensure the area you are working in is adequately ventilated for the large amount of solvent required. Once the surfaces to be sealed are completely free of old caulk then it is time to wipe them down with clean towels and denatured alcohol to remove trace contaminants from the other solvents.

 Application – It is critical before you begin to ensure the surfaces being sealed fall within the temperature requirements of the caulk for application. These temperatures are typically provided in the instructions on the side of the tube. Surface temperatures that are too cold will affect the caulk’s ability to adhere to the surface while temperatures that are too hot can cause the curing agent to release too fast resulting in unsightly bubble formation.

There are as many techniques for caulk application as there are ‘caulkers’ who claim their way is best. Here are two techniques.  Those who are a little short on experience may prefer to lay masking tape on either side of the joint to be caulked to ensure a neat straight caulk line and to reduce the cleanup. The downside of tape lines is it always leaves a small step at the edge of the caulk bead when it is removed. To minimize this step and to reduce the risk of the bead lifting as the tape is removed, don’t place tape too close to center of the joint to be caulked. The recommended distance for a caulk bead is perhaps ¼” to 3/8” from center of joint.

Those with experience may wish to skip masking tape and instead use the soap solution technique described under Tooling.

Next load your caulk gun with a tube of caulk and cut the tip at a 450 angle. The width of the tip should be approximately three quarters off the width of the finished bead you are aiming for. Some tubes of caulk will require you to insert a long metal probe into the tip to puncture a foil seal at its base.

Application begins. Do you push or pull? Most will prefer to pull the caulking gun away from the beat since it provides good visibility of the bead as it forms and tends to favor smooth application and consistent results.  Note that the flat surface you made on the tip when you cut it is positioned so that it forms a triangle with two surfaces being sealed. The bead itself is a triangle also. It is critical to ensure caulk bead makes good contact with both the surfaces being sealed. Some prefer to “push” the caulking gun so the bead is formed in its wake. Either technique will yield the same end result for most beds. However, this method is preferred if there is a slight gap between two surfaces being joined. Whether you push or pull the trick is to only apply enough caulk to ensure consistent contact with both surfaces. Too little results in voids in the bead; too much makes tooling and final cleanup a chore.

Tooling – Once the caulk has been applied, all that remains is to smooth out the bumps and feather the edges for that professional finish your grandmother would be proud of. This must be done immediately after the caulk is applied (before it skins over) and you only have one chance to get it right because subsequent tooling attempts will quickly turn an acceptable job into an unsightly one.

If you applied masking tape on either side of the joint area then spray a finger of your choice with a mild soap solution and drag it smoothly back over the bead of caulk with enough pressure to ensure it stays in contact with both surfaces being sealed.

You’ll need to stop every now and then on long beads to clean your finger of excess caulk and reapply some soap solution. Keep an abundant supply of shop cloths or paper towels ready. The amount of mess you make during tooling is often inversely proportional to the amount of towels allotted for the job.

Once the bead has skinned over, meaning the surface is no longer tacky to a light, it is time to remove the tape. Peel the tape off slowly and keep it from coming into contact with your clothes or the coach since it will probably still have wet sealant on it.

If you decided to forego masking tape in favor of the soap solution technique then simply spray the entire length of the bead with a liberal amount of the soap solution. Now spray your finger with the same solution; follow instructions above for masking tape technique. The soap solution will prevent the excess caulk from adhering to surfaces being sealed and will produce clean feathered almost invisible edges.

You can wear latex or nylon gloves, however, the gloves should be a tight fit to avoid balling up at the end of your finger and preventing a smooth bead. Some prefer to use a shop cloth or thin dish sponge tightly wrapped around the end of finger but may cause grooves in the bead, or worse still, remove too much material during tooling. Latex or nylon gloves are recommended for polyurethane caulks.

Roof Caulk – While these instructions are typical for most caulk used on the roof of your coach requires a slightly different technique. This caulk is a rather special self leveling acrylic caulk that has proven to be very tolerant of the harsh environmental extremes the roof of your coach is subjected to. Preparation of the area to be sealed and removal of old caulk is the same as above. However, caution is needed in the application to ensure you don’t end up with a bead that is much wider than you intended. A good rule of thumb is to lay a bead that is 1/3 to ½ of the finished width you are aiming for. Within minutes, the bed will widen as the self leveling caulk flows.

This caulk requires particular attention to the temperature of the surfaces it is being applied because it can fail to adhere completely if the surface is too cold and will produce hundreds of pin holes as the curing agent releases if the surface is too hot. Pay heed to the instructions on the caulk’s container for ideal application temperatures.

Practice Makes Perfect!  As you can see, caulking is not as easy it might seem and is certainly labor intensive. It only takes a little practice to obtain good results. Fortunately the caulk or sealant itself is relatively inexpensive so you can afford to waste some while making a few practice runs. Apply some packing tape to two long pieces of wood and clamp them together into an “L” shape for a good surface to practice your beads on. If you don’t get it right, simply peel the tape off together with the sealant, reapply the tape and try again. Different soap solutions or ‘surfactants’ will yield different results and studies have shown that non-iconic surfactants work best followed closely by anionic surfactants. Cationic surfactants are not recommended for this task. A week solution of 409 or Lysol seems to work just fine.
Common Caulks and Applications
Dow Corning 733 – 100% Silicone. Used on belt moldings for skirts, roof, front/rear caps. Used around framed windows. Cannot be painted.
Dow Corning 737 – 100% Silicone, neutral cure. Used to adhere trim and mirrored glass on coach interior.
SikaFlex 221 – Polyurethane. Used to seal slide walls and other areas where cosmetic appearance is not so critical. Can be painted.
SikaFlex 252 – Polyurethane. Used as an adhesive for exterior trim and stainless steel panels.
SikaFlex 295UV – Polyurethane. Used around the perimeter of one piece windshields and frameless windows. UV Stabilized.
Schnee Morehead SM5504 – Self leveling Acrylic. Used for most roof seals.

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